Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said that his office never called Lindsey Graham after he tried to insert himself in Georgia's recount of 2020 election results.

The final report of the committee was released last week and additional transcripts were made public on Tuesday.

He testified that Graham called his office on November 13, 2020, as a vote recount by hand was happening in Georgia. The man said that he gave the senator the cold shoulder because he was rubbed the wrong way.

Insider's request for comment was not returned.

He talked about credit card companies in the interview. He said that they get millions of signatures every day.

Graham tried to pitch an alternate signature matching process to the hand recount and audit, which was underway at the time, according to the transcript.

After weeks of harassment and election conspiracies from Trump's camp, the office and Georgia ballot workers of Raffensperger received a lynching at their home.

During the call with Graham, Raffensperger said that there hadn't been an explicit request to find additional votes, but that the conversation was ominous.

I didn't know where he was going after he talked about using companies. I didn't think he would want to go to where I was. I didn't think it was a good idea to call him again.

Graham's office didn't reply immediately.

"So I told him, we finished up the call, and I said, 'Well, let me talk to our general counsel,' who wasn't on the call, and we'll get back to you,'" he said We didn't get back to him.

The former President asked Raffensperger to find 11,780 votes to overturn the state's 2020 election results, which led to months of death threats to him and his family. Election misinformation is the biggest threat to democracy in the US, according to an interview with Insider.