Authorities say that a man accused of incestuous rape didn't deny the charge.

A mother is in custody after her child was stabbed to death.

Innocent is currently in the Palm Beach County Jail, charged with one count of incest, one count of impregnated of a child, and two counts of sexual battery of a child. His bond is quite high.

Jean Innocent

The girl went to the medical center because she felt unwell. According to the arrest report, St. Mary's hospital staff found the pregnant woman with pains because they were there.

She said Innocent abused her. She said that he had abused her in November. She said that her tears stopped Innocent from being fully inserted. He said "never mind" before leaving the room.

During a call between the girl and Innocent with police listening on her end, the report details her describing to Innocent how she had been throwing up and that she was pregnant. Innocent told her to say no and began telling a story about a relationship with a boy.

He believed his pre-ejaculation could have caused her to become pregnant.

According to the report, Innocent admitted to raping the girl two times.