Dave Baustita's giant bald head is positioned between two men tied to chairs.

When the first trailer for M. Night Shayamalan's next horror flick, Knock at the Cabin, arrived, it looked mostly like a vacation- home-invasion movie where the invaders were played by people like Dave Bautista and the cultists. There is a lot more going on in this new trailer, and it is pure M.W.

First, watch it.

I was surprised to learn that this is actually based on a novel called The Cabin at the End of the World, written by Paul Tremblay, which was well-received by the public and won the award for Best Novel. Can it be seen on the screen? This looks at least as goofy as it does scary, and at the end of the day it is a M.M. film. That doesn't mean it won't be enjoyable.

On February 3, the theater doors will be knocked on.

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