According to police, a man dressed in women's clothes brandished a pepper ball gun as he fled the scene after snapping photos under a bathroom stall.
A man is facing charges of assault with a deadly weapon and improper photography.
There was a cellphone under the stall at the Fort Worth mall on Christmas Eve.
The woman confronted the man who was dressed like a female and tried to flee the mall.
There are five US cities that are expected to have a rise in violent crime in the years to come.
The male witness tried to intervene but the suspect pointed a gun at him.
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Police said a handgun could be seen in the suspect's waist band when he left the mall.
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The man was taken into custody by officers. The pepper ball gun was found to be a pepper ball gun.
He is being held at the Tarrant County Correction Center. There was no lawyer who could speak on his behalf.