"If we don't have honest elections where we decide who represents us, then we don't have a country anymore" said Kari Lake on Dec. 22, 2022.

A judge on Saturday ruled that Lake was not robbed of her right to be Arizona's next governor.

The anger and frustration of voters was acknowledged by the judge in the case. This Court has a duty not only to public outcry. It is to bring the claims and actions of the defendants to the attention of the courtroom.

Lake refused to accept reality after the loss.

She provided the world with evidence that proves our elections are not in line with the law. The judge didn't rule in our favor. I will appeal his ruling in order to restore faith and honesty in our elections.

She needs to keep her supporters angry in order to build a hope for political future.

Lake was given her day in court by Judge Thompson.

The judge gave Lake every chance to prove that the elections officer rigged the election and that she lost to the governor.

Lake tried to convince the judge that the Republican nominee was the victim of a plot by the Republican-run county.

What is that saying? Don't make it so

The judge eviscerated each of her witnesses' testimony.

The partisan pollster who testified that his exit poll showed she should have won was followed by the cyber expert who claimed the county shrunk ballots so they couldn't be counted.

Both the witnesses of the defendants and the election workers were dedicated to performing their roles with integrity. No system on this earth is perfect but more than enough to comply with the law and conduct a valid election.

It's more than enough to comply with the law.

The state of Arizona is a gift that would make a great gift for Christmas.

Lake should concede the governor's race after 46 days of decrying her loss and defaming the state's election workers.

Lake should at least acknowledge that Arizona has spoken.

I'm aware. Between none and what-the-heck-is-in-that-eggnog-you're- drinking, there is a chance of that.

It is the season of Miracles.

Good will toward those who defeat us.

The article was first published on the Arizona Republic. She needs to give Arizona a gift.