The Republican senator from Wisconsin convened a round table with people who were active in the anti-vaccine movement to increase awareness of vaccine injury. This is not the first time he has done such a session, however the way that this session was put together doesn't help actual patients on their way to recovery. The purpose of this is to tell the reader how Sen. Johnson used his December 2022 Roundtable to push his agenda. There is a video on the internet. Del Big tree has a logo. The antivax doctors who we have met before are shown in the video. There are a couple of themes in the presentation. They are on their way to their claim. The people in the antivax system have told their followers to create fake reports. The VAERS website says to not use the website data in a way that Liz is doing. There are reports on the size of genitalia. What should you do with it? I have followed VAERS personally and done research in collaboration with other centers on the issue of post-vaccination myocarditis. Other researchers used it to find and treat vaccine-related diseases. Other researchers have used it to describe the menstrualIrregularities It isn't. The V-safe system was created for the COVID-19 immunizations because the previous systems were not able to track people over time. V-safe tries to get more survey participation by delivering survey questions directly to the end users. After completion of the first dose, the system will send survey questions at a number of times. While it is true that V-safe data are not released in full for the general public, any researchers interested in conducting a formal project can contact the system adminstrators. The way in which the data is displayed to the public is misleading. The total number of people reported to have needed medical care is over 800 000. Over 10 million people were registered. Most medical problems reported are due to the immunization and occur within the first two months. The data dump doesn't control what the medical care actually was. It's less likely that you seek medical care if you're further away from a vaccine. I would be worried about a case of Guillain-Barre, but I wouldn't be so worried about a case of a patient getting Motrin in the ER. The base rate fallacy is not understood by this person. The number of people who die from causes other than vaccine-related ones is going to decrease when the number of vaccine-eligible individuals decreases. It doesn't mean that vaccinations cause more deaths. This claim is thought to originate from an orthopedist. There were 20 deaths due to COVID19, and 80 cases of myocarditis at the time of her death, she claimed. Time travel hasn't been invented yet, she misinterpreted a myocarditis study in a very special type of adult myocarditis, and COVID immunization myocarditis skews to be a milder type of myocarditis. She picked the figure because it was bigger, for rhetorical effect, not because she was good at epidemiology. The US military reported 165 deaths due to COVID as of June 2022. According to the United States Department of Defense, there have been 670 deaths due to COVID. No data is provided to back up any verified military service member deaths due to a vaccine injury. The US military is likely to have similar rates of myocarditis. The disease course was similar to what happened in the population as a whole. The rate of myocarditis in the US military has been reported to be 22%. There is a misrepresentation of the Defense Medical Epidemiology database that leads to the increase in disabling conditions. This is playing magic tricks to get you to ignore them. The coronaviruses ability to check for errors isn't as good as in human cells. Changes that decrease fitness are eliminated and changes that allow immune evasion are perpetuated. The more people catch the virus, the more it can be changed. The act of immunizations isn't the main factor here. The speaker has not done his homework on the classical vaccine schedule, which contains vaccinations that decrease transmission to varying degrees. Classical vaccine schedules are still mandated in most countries. The advent of Omicron made the vaccine's effectiveness against transmission worse than it already was. The antivaccine actors collaborated with spin doctors to say that the epidemiologists lied to them. Vaccinations do decrease the transmission of Omicron, but this doesn't make them meaningless. Is there an effective antiviral against the rhinoviruses and enteroviruses? No, that's not true. It was a good idea to look for early treatments for COVID, but clinical proof is needed. Many candidates have failed when it comes to designing effective antivirals. The speaker is a fan of ivermectin and should give the user a better outcome than if they did nothing. Many trials have shown that this is not the case. Is it possible that some people improved here and there? You can't generalize the findings to everyone if a medication doesn't help the majority of the population. New treatments are always proposed by physicians. You should attend any professional medical society meeting if you don't believe this. Shut the project down and try another line of inquiry when clinical trial data says your hypothesis isn't right. The promotion of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin was done with financial interests in mind. It's worse when some of the studies back then.
early treatment were found to have major statistical issues. While it is true that remdesivir has legitimate renal clearance issues in those with poor kidney function, it is a gross misrepresentation to say it does nothing, or to say its only role is to hurt kidneys.
Claim: The number of claims on VAERS has increased therefore all the COVID vaccines are bad
Claim: The Vsafe system not immediately releasing all available data is evidence of intentional deception
Claim: Vaccinated people in the UK are dying at a rate 26% higher than the unvaccinated
Claim: alarming increases in disabling conditions for the US Army were reported right after vaccination was mandated, and COVID vaccine deaths are higher than COVID disease deaths
Claim: A largely vaccinated public drives the virus to mutate even faster
Claim: Vaccine mandates can only be justified for vaccines that lower risk of transmitting the virus
Claim: early treatment has always been our best line of defense
There is a plausible biochemical mechanism for howvitamin C may help, but the studies are currently small and conflicting The quantities specified in the FLCCC protocol can cause quantifiable harm.
As of 2021, the actual number was correct, however this is an oversimplification. Some people may die of COVID if they don't make enough of an immune response after immunizations. The partial immune escape of Omicron isn't mentioned. The community of immunologists who are trying to make better immunizations are not mentioned. We have epidemiological data that shows what would have happened in unvaccinated communities that are not previously exposed. This would have caused a lot more damage if it had been larger. It took a while for the mortality to decrease in other vaccinations, even though the other classical vaccine preventable diseases interact with the immune system in different ways.
This is a misrepresentation of public health data from Britain. This is a distortion of some calculations provided that actually describe reasonable immunity. Multiple teams of professionals are coming up with a better solution because vaccine efficacy against Omicron is not as good as it used to be. The speaker should have enough medical knowledge to know this, but they lied about it. The lack of data points allows estimation of the efficacy at the most distant time points, which is why the graph appears that way.
Higher charges will be generated by a COVID patient requiring an intensive care unit. The fee is sent to the hospitals, but the physicians don't get bonuses unless their contract says so. Hospitals need to charge more because care in the intensive care unit is more complex. Many physicians have criticisms of the finances of hospital medicine, but it's an entire degree program in itself.
It's probably the most asinine statement of the entire Roundtable. There is a lot of debate about the origin of the first molecule that can be called life. It's true that he played a role in the invention of the vaccine, but he was part of an enormous team of people who did thousands of experiments to make it happen.
It wouldn't be right to say that Neil Armstrong was the inventor of spaceflight. His success was dependent on the work of tens of thousands of scientists.
It wouldn't be right to say Vespasian built the Colosseum on his own. He had a group of people who did it.
Marie Curie did not invent radioactivity. She discovered the phenomenon through experimentation.
It's not correct to say that there is only one inventor of the vaccine. He supports a class of vaccine that has failed in clinical trials and would cause more side effects than the current vaccines.
The speaker doesn't have a good command of the biology involved. The idea that a vaccine can affect fertility was started by MichaelYeadon. It is no longer reasonable to think of risks when there is a body of literature showing that the fertility of women who have received the vaccine is the same as those who have not. There are many issues that women can sustain if they catch Covid during their pregnancies. In order for a piece of RNA to become a piece of the genome, there are a number of additional factors that need to be taken into account. HIV is the classical example for this. It takes special machinery to make plasmids in nature. That machinery is not contained in the sperm. Human genomes do not usually integrate with the help of plismids. There is a citation for that. Campbell is known for his biology. It's not possible to invent processes that don't exist.
The speaker is playing a game of sleight of hand and hopes you don't notice. patisiran is an example of a molecule that tries to alter the expression of certain genes, but it depends on the information contained in theRNA. It is not always the same. It is not possible to change your genes with a Covid product.
The speaker ignores the evidence that the COVID immunization can decrease hospitalization and death. Only one source is available. The original trial of the Pfizer vaccine explicitly stated that hospitalization was a secondary outcome. One can only conclude that the speaker is trying to tell a story.
The immunology article was about figuring out how the immune system responds to a vaccine. A portion of the immune response would be affected if the spikeProtein disappeared quickly. There is a distortion of the main research results explained in full here.
The FDA had access to the ingredients of the vaccine. Some of the trade secrets involved in the manufacture of the immunizations were included in the document that was circulating.
When the data changes, it's important to change your stance on something. The standard should be applied in a different way. Public health staff needed to acknowledge the fact that there were more transmissible versions. You should also change when biology changes. They could have said something like, "Here's what we know about COVID now, but stay tune, we may have to give you updated information down the line". We had to change when the COVID Omicron variant arrived.
Many steps of the usual regulatory process of vaccinations could be done in parallel with the use of technology around COVID immunizations. There was nothing left out.
The US COVID oversight committee has criticized a supplier of COVID immunizations. Interested people can read about the process here.
This is correct. Some of the symptoms that have been observed in the vaccine injured population are caused by the COVID spikeprotein. The round table doesn't make much effort to begin a research project, show patients how to enroll in a project, or platform a researcher who is actually working on this issue. This is an example of vaccine injury research done after the COVID immunizations.
Several cardiovascular centers and cardiologists have treated patients with post-COVID immunization myocarditis, and continue to engage our communities in researching the long term outcomes of the vaccine. One only needs to see the ACIP updates to get the rates of myocarditis from the US. Preliminary information on how people recover from myocarditis can be found in cardiac magnetic studies. If the community didn't take this seriously, we would be researching other things instead of helping patients. The speaker is challenged to join the rest of the cardiologists and help research this condition.
How would you expect an immunization to work if it didn't work? The immunization doesn't do anything while sitting on the skin. It's true that exosomes have been shown to contain spikes after immunizations. Some of the side effects that have been discovered may be related to this. The study doesn't prove this to be the case alone. We don't know if they are full-length immunization mRNA, but they have been detected in recipients of immunization in very small quantities. There is more work that needs to be done to show the causes of side effects. The comment about a deception made by Senator Johnson is a reflection of his own misunderstandings. The cells at the injection site are mostly going to be merged with the nanoparticles. The Pfizer biodistribution study was done in mice with an equivalent immunization dose that is much larger than the one given to a human. Less than 1% of the vaccine equivalent dose is left at the injection site. There was no discussion of this during the Roundtable. Pfizer and Moderna both provided information about the effects of the nanoparticles on the body.
Some of the intentions of sharing the vaccine injuries are honorable. Some of these people need help. The senator could call in teams of fact checkers to corroborate their claims. He didn't choose to do that. Patients featured in the round table could have been involved in research. The round table wasn't able to help them achieve this. Speaker made mistakes in biology. Multiple speakers failed to present balanced interpretations of the journal articles that they cited at times completely misrepresenting them. A physician in the group threatened a Dallas publication with a defamation lawsuit in order to get a debate. Both parties are expected to agree upon the fundamental facts of the situation when invited to debate in a scientific conference. The invitees who declined participation may have been aware of the reputation of the speakers. They don't have a normal scientific debate in mind based on their actions. The debate tactics they have in mind are very similar to the debate between Steve and Dr. Bittman. The courtroom of law is where these tactics are usually used. This senator's round table fails at building public policy and legislation on solid peer-reviewed science.
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