Nancy Pelosi used what could be her last floor speech as House speaker to slam her possible replacement, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Pelosi, who previously announced she was stepping down as leader of the House Democrats, responded to the GOP congressman's comments that the bill was a "monstosity" McCarthy railed against what he said were left-wing pet projects funded by the bill.

McCarthy said that it was one of the most shameful acts he had seen in the man.

There is no better example of the failure of a one-party rule of the House, the Senate and the presidency than the appropriations process.

Pelosi said that McCarthy's remarks were "sad to hear."

I wonder if he forgot January 6. Pelosi wanted to know.

Pelosi: "It was sad to hear the minority leader earlier say that this legislation is the most shameful thing to be seen on the House floor in this Congress. I can't help but wonder, has he forgotten January 6?"

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 23, 2022

It is not clear if McCarthy forgot about the insurrection last year or not.

McCarthy and other House Republicans were referred to the House Ethics Committee after they failed to comply with subpoenas during the investigation into the attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The most severe potential action, expulsion from the House, requires a two-thirds majority vote, as Republicans will take over the chamber on January 3.
