According to the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare, there were more than three thousand deaths in the country in 2011.

Over the last decade, there has been an increase in the number of lonely deaths. People who live alone and pass away at home are referred to as the phenomenon because their deaths go undetected for weeks and even months.

People in their 50s and 60s made up 60 percent of reported deaths. Younger people in their 20s and 30s accounted for up to 8% of lonely deaths in the country.

Gender was one of the elements noted in godoksa deaths. The Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare found that men were more likely to die of loneliness than women. Men were four times more likely to die of loneliness than women in the year.

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Socioeconomic factors were involved in lonely deaths. 52 percent of godoksa in the city occurred in low rise or rental apartments according to a report. 95 percent of the people who died were not employed.

There is a phenomenon known as "dying alone" in Japan. Increasing social isolation of elders is one of the reasons for the rise in lonely deaths. The number of lonely deaths is expected to increase in Hong Kong.

The number of isolated deaths is believed to be alleviated by technology. One solution being deployed in Korea is a "smart plug device" that can detect if electricity is not used over a period of time or if the lighting in a room stays consistent for an unusual amount of time. The government is looking at using artificial intelligence in a similar way.

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