Contributors' opinions are their own.

It's been a record-high holiday shopping season so far, with nearly 200 million Americans shopping in stores and online between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday. People spent $35.4 billion online over the course of five days. Cyber Monday sales were up 5.3% from a year ago.

This holiday season is a great time for businesses like yours because of the increase in prices. If you want to boost sales, you have to land in your customers' inbox.

The holidays are a good time to improve email deliverability.

Do you want to boost sales this holiday season? There are 5 tips to make your holiday email campaign a success.

Increase your sending frequency

Did you know that your sending frequencies affect your email deliverability? It's a good idea to show up in people's mailboxes frequently. It increases your chances of getting an email. It helps you build familiarity with your audience as they are exposed to your brand name a lot.

If you haven't heard from your subscribers in a while, it's a good idea to start a holiday campaign. If you want to warm up your intellectual property gradually, you should target smaller segments of your audience. You can gather engagement metrics if you're less likely to run into issues.

Verify the validity of your data

Changes in the workplace have caused email data to degrade faster. Millions of email addresses were deleted or deactivated due to The Great Resignation and the Pandemic.

Before you send an email, make sure to check your email list. You can see how many of your contacts went bad with an email verifier. If you remove them, you can help keep your holiday emails out of the inbox.

Test your emails to see if they land in the inbox

Before you send an email, you need to check a lot of things. You want it to work on all devices. More people are shopping on their phones than ever before, with 45% of online sales occurring on mobile, according to a study. Ensure that your links and landing pages are functional and that your email can be seen on any device.

Test your email delivery. It can let you know if your email is going to get to the inbox. If you still need to adjust your email, it can take minutes to gather these insights.

It's possible that the smallest things can cause your email to be sent to a bunch of people. The use of link shorteners or a technical misconfiguration can prevent you from reaching the inbox. Errors can be fixed with the right tools.

Extra tips to get your holiday emails in the inbox

It can be difficult to fix email deliverability issues, but if you follow the tips above, you can reach your prospects. To increase your reach.

  • Prune out subscribers who haven't opened any of your emails in more than three months. They are highly unlikely to convert and their lack of engagement affects your overall deliverability.
  • Personalize your campaign to make it relevant to each recipient. The more you fine-tune your offer and content, the more clicks you'll get. In the eyes of mailbox providers, every click is a vote of trust for you as a sender, and that helps you earn your spot in the inbox.
  • If your latest reports show an unusually low number of clicks, it pays to check if your IP or domain have been blacklisted. Being on a blacklist can cause your emails to be rejected, but you can take steps to get off that blacklist before an important campaign.

Keep sending emails after the holidays, too

Companies send more frequently during the holidays. Not all of them are present in people's inboxes and this causes their engagement to fall.

If you send a lot of emails this holiday season, you'll build loyalty with your audience. Provide useful, educational content throughout the next year to keep people engaged and more likely to buy from you.

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