You're throwing away a good snack when you peel a banana.

Banana peels can be blanched, dried, and ground into flour, which can be used to make baked goods similar to wheat-based products.

You've probably never considered cooking with a banana peel, unless you're a vegan or a fan of a celebrity chef. Scientists have shown that it is good for you.

Consumers reported that they were just as happy with the flavors as they were with the cookies.

You will receive a generous amount of minerals and cancer-fighting vitamins. The sugar cookies made in the study were enriched with banana peels, which contained more fiber, magnesium, potassium, and anti-oxidants.

Adding too much banana peel flour resulted in cookies that were a bit brown and hard, possibly from all the extra fiber. The texture of the cookies became more appealing when they were made with 7.5 percent banana peel.

The goods were kept on the shelf for three months.

The study only looked at the consequences of adding banana peel to baked cookies, but the results suggest using banana peel flour in breads, cakes, and pasta.

A study on banana peel cake found that the yellow skin of the fruit provides a natural food color to the baked product.

A 2016 study found that substituting up to 10 percent of wheat flour with banana peel flour enriched baked bread.

Is not into baking. The idea of banana peel bacon and pulled peel 'pork' has recently been popularized by a number of vegan websites.

It is possible to reduce food waste by eating the skin of this fruit. 40% of a banana's weight is in its peel, and most of the time it is thrown away.

Banana peels aren't really useful when raw. They can taste really good if they are prepared right. The peels can extend the shelf life of some products.

mango skin was found to boost a cake'sAntioxidant properties and improve its flavor.

Keeping the skin of a banana is a good idea if you want to get the fruit inside. Your belly may appreciate you later.

The study was published in the journal food science and technology.

The first version of this article was published in August of 2022,