According to an arrest affidavit, a man shot his ex-girlfriend 15 times because she hadn't answered his phone calls.
Carlos Lemont Jones told police that he woke up in an angry state because his ex-girlfriend hadn't answered his calls.
She had to be at work at 8 a.m. so he drove to her house after 7:30 a.m.
He said he confronted his ex-girlfriend, Sha'Dayla Johnson, as she walked out of the door. He exchanged words with her before she walked back towards the house.
The police department said that Jones shot her in the back 15 times.
The affidavit says that Johnson was found lying face down on the floor by police officers. She was dead.
The affidavit says that Johnson's father told detectives that he had been sitting in the living room when his daughter went to work. He looked out the window and saw Jones standing in the driveway after hearing a number of gunshots. He found his daughter lying in a pool of her own blood.
He told detectives that Jones and his daughter had been dating for five months and had broken up two weeks before. According to the affidavit, Jones was trying to get back together with Johnson.
After the shooting, Jones dumped his clothing in a dumpster, threw a pistol magazine out the window of his car, and dumped a semi-automatic pistol in a storm drain. It's about 70 miles southeast of the state of Florida.
After receiving a call from his mother, Jones turned himself in to police.
Jones was asked if he was sorry. If he could do it again, he would have killed Johnson's father as well.
Jones is accused of premeditated murder and deprivation of a firearm. According to jail records, he is being held on a bond.
A former teacher of Johnson's wrote on Facebook that she was a graduate of Palm Bay Magnet High School and wanted to leave her job at Walmart and attend college.
Jannette wrote that she was angry at how something like this could happen to a beautiful soul. She was 23 at the time.
On her Facebook page, Johnson's cousin mourned her death.
Tevoneik pretty wrote that he was angry and hurt at the same time. I love you Shadayla and I will never forget anything.
The girl was nearly blinded in the attack by her ex.
The woman stabbed her boyfriend to death during the fight.
Police in Texas say a man was stabbed after he found his ex-boyfriend in a closet.