There is a moment when bonds are having a "meme moment".

The trend is not the same as WallStreetBets and its stock mania. Some 8,000 people are members of the r/bonds forum. The fact that lay people are talking about bonds is a noteworthy development for an asset class that never raised much interest from retail investors.

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The core of bonds are IOUs from governments or companies, but they can't be traded. Let's say bonds are debt. Debt is boring.

Making money is something most people like to do. When stock markets are volatile and inflation is high, it's important to look for new sources of income. We looked at how this created tailwinds from other asset classes.

The once golden 60/40 portfolio rule recommends only owning 40% of bonds. Goldman Sachs wondered if it was time to switch from stocks to bonds, as fixed-income offerings are enjoying renewed interest.