Image for article titled CEOs Who Might Replace Elon Musk at Twitter, Ranked

The life and fortune of the man is being destroyed by the man who created it. Now that the man has agreed to change his mind, who will be the next CEO of the company?

Musk said he would resign as CEO as soon as he found someone foolish enough to take the job. The software and server teams will be run by me after that. More than a day after the poll, the confirmation came. The majority of respondents said he should hit the road.

Since the poll, Musk has said that it will be difficult for anyone to get the job. It seems like a lot has happened since Musk first offered to buy the company, and he fought hard to get out of his agreement. He said in November that he would eventually find a new leader for the micro-messaging service.

It's worse than before. It posted a loss in its last earnings report. Musk has added a lot of debt to the balance sheets as a result of financing the purchase.

The problems atTesla are likely to be a bigger problem for Musk. Since Musk first offered to purchase the company, the value of the company's stock has plummeted. Its value has fallen over the last two years. On Monday, Wall Street analysts at the firm lowered their price target on the stock of the company.

We believe banning journalists without consistent defensible standards or clear communication in an environment where many people believe free speech is at risk is too much for a majority of consumers to continue supporting Mr. Musk/TSLA, particularly people ideologically aligned with climate change mitigation.

After a tumultuous week in which Musk made erratic policy changes, the analyst comments come. He banned people from promoting their accounts on other social media platforms. The damage was done by the reversal of the policy. The richest Silicon Valley ghouls who have been cheering on Musk's moves as a valuable experiment for testing how badly a CEO can treat their employees were offended by his desperation to block the exits for users who have had enough.

Executives who are tired of listening to their staff may want to watch Elon burn it down as a case study, but that doesn't mean they want to participate. If he makes it out alive, they would like to see that. It is going to be difficult for Musk to find a CEO who is willing to implement the big boss's will and take the public backlash for the chaos they inevitably create.

Who will be responsible for this job? There are some guesses we have made. We are hedging our bets by selecting individuals as well as the category of CEO candidate that they fall into. If our specific picks don't pan out, we're confident that someone like them will be considered. If you click through to read the wild speculation, you will be able to run while you can.