The author is Jacob Aron.
Engineers are working on the Psyche craft.
The person is Maxar.
A fleet of rockets, new hope for the Amazon and an attempt to transform our diet are just some of the exciting stories that the New Scientist news team will be covering in the years to come. There will be a lot of science, technology, health and environment news in the coming year.
The first flight of the largest rocket ever built is set to take place in 2020. Blue Origin's New Glenn is one of a number of huge rockets due to launch in the next year. Both firms are owned by billionaires who want to change the future of space travel.
Some exciting missions are being planned by government space agencies. In 2031, the European Space Agency's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer will arrive at the Jupiter system, where it will explore some of the planet's planets. Psyche is being sent by NASA to an asteroid that is believed to be the exposed iron core of a young planet. In 2029, it will arrive.
The X-59 plane is designed to break the sound barrier without creating a sonic boom and could lead to a renaissance for super-fast air travel.
The easing of the zero-covid strategy has led to a surge in the number of coronaviruses in China. It is certain that we will need more and better vaccines to deal with emerging strains, though new jabs are not likely to be approved as quickly as the first one.
As the H5N1 virus sweeps through Europe and the US, vaccines will be needed to protect against it. In places like Egypt and Hong Kong, the government is coming around to the idea of vaccinations.
Defending the Amazon rainforest are in a good mood. Many of the measures put in place by the previous president, Jair Bolsonaro, have been promised to be reversed by the new president.
The oceans may be under threat in July of 2023. If nations don't agree on an international code to regulate deep-sea mining by this point, governments and businesses will be able to exploit these resources.
The European Union is expected to approve its Artificial Intelligence Act during the year of 2023. The aim of the first attempt to create broad standards for the use of artificial intelligence is to protect the citizens of the EU. European tech regulation has proved to be a global model for similar laws elsewhere.
A group of Europeans wants to change how we feed the world. The first commercial-scale factory for Solar Foods, a company that uses renewable energy to turn carbon dioxide into a powder, is going to be located in Helsinki, Finland. The powder can be used in place of eggs and other sources of food and can cut water and land use in the process.
Physicists will get two big toys to play with in three years. The Linac Coherent Light Source- II is an upgrade of an existing facility in California that will make it the ultimate X-ray machine. It could be used to make movies of the atoms.
A new gravitational wave hunter will come online in the next few years. The Matter-Wave Laser Interferometric Gravitation Antenna uses rubidium atoms to tease out the ripples in space-time produced by colliding black holes and other massive objects. It will be able to find events that our existing facilities have missed.