The view counts are showing up for some users. On December 1st, Musk said that the feature would be coming for all social media and that it would be available in a few weeks.

When a staff member clicks on a post, he sees a counter. It doesn't seem to be available to everyone yet, but a few other users have reported getting it. According to my coworker, he is not able to see view counts on other users.

Screenshot of a tweet displaying the view count.
A view counter has joined the other markers of how popular your tweet was.
Screenshot: Richard Lawler / The Verge

The feature isn't giving any new information at the moment. For a long time, you have been able to see how many people are following you on social media. The view counter puts the view counter right in your face if you click on an analytic button.

It is not clear if Musk intended for users to be able to see how many views other people have on their account. It makes sense that you should be able to see how many views other people are getting when you use the feature. We would ask for clarification on the matter, but it doesn't have a communications department anymore. The feature hasn't been commented on by Musk.