An image of Musk's silhouette against a spotlight in public.

The billionaire claims that his son was followed by a stalker in Los Angeles because of public flight information.

The South Pasadena police said they were investigating a report of an assault with a deadly weapon involving a vehicle. The suspect in the incident was a member of Musk's security team. A man followed a security guard into a gas station, according to the guard. The man's car was hit by the guard. On December 14th, Musk shared a video of a man in a car and asked if anyone could identify him.

The cops didn't mention that a stalker was involved, but they suggested that it was a coincidence. After the incident, the man who was hit identified himself as Brandon.

According to the South Pasadena police, Collado claimed he had a verbal confrontation with another driver after he pulled into a gas station parking lot. A member of Musk's security team blocked his path and accused him of following him on the freeway.

The security guard drove his car into the store. Police said that Collado did not sustain any injuries. Police couldn't confirm that Musk's son was in the car. A police report has been filed by only one person.

Musk's version of what happened on December 13 differed from the police update. The CEO of the social media company said that a man followed a car thinking it was Musk's. According to Musk, Collado climbed on the hood of the car.

South Pasadena police said that the victim did not identify the suspect or the altercation was random.

The Washington Post reported on Sunday that the police said the incident could have been a coincidence. According to the Post, Collado had an interest in Musk and in the mother of two of Musk's children.

The man told the Post that he was a driver for the food delivery service and was in the area to make deliveries. He claimed that Musk was watching his location in real-time, that he was being sent secret messages via her social media accounts, and that he could be blocked from receiving work through the food delivery service.

The Post reported that Collado said he was the man in the video. You've been following me and my family for over a year. Gizmodo couldn't find the link to the post.

Jack Sweeney is a university student who runs a social media account that tracks flights from Musk's private jet. The incident with Collado took place at a gas station 26 miles away from the Los Angeles airport and 23 hours after the location of Musk's plane was posted.

Musk banned Sweeney from the social networking site because it was a risk to physical safety. Journalists were suspended for sharing "basically assassination coordinates" for Musk and his family.

This apparently means that you should follow the account of Elon Jet. The operator of the private plane that is tracked on other social media platforms will be taking legal action.