The first launch license from Spaceport Cornwell has been approved by the Civil Aviation Authority. The company plans to launch nine satellites from a rocket on a Boeing plane in January of next year. The launch of Virgin Orbit has been in the works for many years and was first announced four years ago. Technical issues and a lack of a license caused the first flight to be delayed. The UK framework was put on a competitive footing with international space regulators after the license was issued. All reasonable steps were taken to reduce safety risks. Spaceport Cornwall was certified last month. Virgin Orbit received a range control license that allowed it to issue warning notices and keep an eye on the progress of missions. The first satellite take-off from UK soil is one step closer after receiving range and launch licenses. Keeping a strong focus on a safe and successful mission for all is what we are focused on. LauncherOne is flown under the wing of a jumbo jet to reduce the rocket size and fuel requirements while eliminating the need for a vertical launch pad. Cosmic Girl will take off from the spaceport and release a rocket that will take the satellites into space. Permits for the satellites are imminent, according to reports.Steve Dent|@stevetdent|December 21, 2022 6:25 AM