The House Ways and Means Committee is expected to vote Tuesday on whether to release former President Donald Trump's federal tax returns, in what could be the latest blow to Trump, who has faced a string of scandals since announcing his third run for the presidency last month.
A business meeting of the House Ways and Means Committee is taking place in Washington, DC. The tax returns of Donald Trump are being discussed by the committee. Drew Angerer poses for a picture.
Democrats control the committee and it met Tuesday. What could be its last chance to publicly release the records before Republicans take control of the House, along with its committees, could block the returns from being made public.
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the committee leaders and gave them access to six years of Trump's tax returns.
Democrats argue that the tax returns could show conflicts of interest related to Trump's business dealings and his decisions as president.
The records will be used to measure the effectiveness of the IRS presidential audit program.
Kevin Brady said in a statement that releasing the records would set a new precedent that threatens the privacy of every American.
Trump refused to release his tax returns to the public during his presidential campaign. The New York Times obtained his tax returns and reported in 2020 that he paid only $750 in federal taxes in two of the last three years because he lost more money than he earned.
The release of the records could be a second stain on Trump's legacy in a matter of 48 hours. On Monday, the January 6 House Committee recommended the Justice Department take up an investigation of four criminal charges it accused Trump of committing.
Is the clock still running on his tax returns? There is a magazine called "Forbes."
The House committee has received six years of Trump tax returns.
Supreme court rules require the Treasury to turn over Trump's tax records.