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A group of scientists propose that we could use existing Earth-based observatories to look for advanced alien life forms by looking at their warp drives.

According to Universe Today, a team of researchers from UCLA, Carnegie Mellon and elsewhere argue in a recent paper that looking for particular types of gravitational wave signals could show the existence of advanced technologies capable of producing them.

It's a serious stretch, but it's a new way of looking at the universe.

According to Science Alert, giltational waves can be detected across vast distances and can be used to find the deepest depths of the universe.

Black holes and neutron stars are believed to have created the ripples in the fabric of time. These powerful events are picked up by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory in the United States.

The paper argues that alien civilization could be creating similar ripples with warp drives, which would allow them to travel extremely close or even faster than the speed of light, since any mass can produce such an effect.

The researchers are positive.

The paper's author, who is the CEO of Applied Physics, an independent group of scientists and engineers which has published a series of papers on the topic of warp drives, said in a press release that their study of warp drives paved the way for gravitational wave detection.

We already have the ability to probe all 1011 stars in the Milky Way for warp drives, and soon, the ability to probe thousands of other galaxies, thanks to this new method.

The first machine learning-based model that will be sensitive enough to detect warp drive signals and distinguish them from background noise will be developed by Applied Physics.

Human technologies have some catching up to do before we can start looking for aliens.

"Gravitational wave detection is still in its infancy," admitted Paulini. Experiments will open the gates for new discoveries in the future.

There is a new paper suggesting we could detect waves from alien megacraft.