Images of your most private moments can be leaked online if your robot vacuums watch you.

gig workers outside of the US broke a non-disclosure agreement when sharing intimate photos, including one of a woman on the toilet, to social media

The report warns that those few images posted privately to contract worker shop talk groups may just be the tip of the privacy iceberg when it comes to robot vacuums and other smart home products.

Annotation Station

The images in question, some of which MIT Tech shared, were snapped by the vacuums for the purpose of data annotations, the process in which humans confirm or deny whether an artificial intelligence has accurately labeled something. When it comes to the efficiency of the vacuums, data annotations are a necessary part of the process.

iRobot claimed in its responses to MIT Tech that the leaked images came from developmentrobots that had a bright green label that said "video recording in process."

Even though the machines we bring into our homes are recording us, and even though there are humans out there who see the images and videos they capture, it's still unnerving.

There is a problem with the portrait app that can undress people without their consent.