The GamesBeat Summit: Into the Metaverse 3 will take place on February 1-2. You must register here.

Ndreams is a developer and publisher of virtual reality games.

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After more than five years of working together, the companies decided to combine to help shape the future of virtual reality and augmented reality.

Near Light developed the Ndreams, a virtual reality title, as well as the Perfect and Shooty Fruity virtual reality titles. The studio is working on a virtual reality title.

Near Light was founded in 2016 by Paul and Ben. The Eye Toy Play, SingStar and the Guitar Hero series were some of the innovative titles that the pair worked on.

The Summit is called Into the Metaverse 3.

The findings and emerging trends within the metaverse will be examined by the GamesBeat community.

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Tom Gillo, Ndreams chief development officer, said they were excited to deepen their relationship with Near Light. The studio will allow us to collaborate even more closely on medium-defining games, not to mention bringing Ben and Paul's decades of industry experience into the Ndreams family to strengthen our own expertise.

Near Light is based in the United Kingdom and is the fourth studio in the Ndreams family.

nDreams made the VR game Phantom Covert Ops.
Ndreams made the VR game Phantom Covert Ops.

Ndreams CEO Patrick O'Luanaigh said that the acquisition was an exciting milestone for the company. There is potential for more acquisitions in the future for other development studios.

The publisher accelerated its investments in both internal development and third-party publishing after the $35 million investment in Ndreams. Ndreams' first acquisition is a sign of the company's rapid andambitious expansion.

Near Light is proud to be joining with Ndreams and shaping the future of virtual reality and augmented reality games. Near Light is very much in line with the philosophy of Patrick and nDreams when it comes to making games and building teams. It's the perfect fit for us.

It will feel familiar to the Near Light team to work alongside Ndreams after this deal.

Ben Hebb, co-owner of Near Light, said that their collaboration with nDreams has been enjoyable. It's a privilege to work on great projects with a group of people you get along with. We are excited to work with nDreams to create titles that will leave a mark.

Ndreams published a number of innovative games including Phantom: Covert Ops, Far Cry: Dive Into Insanity and Fracked. The company was founded in 2013 The start of Near Light was in 2016

Wide Games was set up in 2000 by the team behind Zo Mode, which was started by Paul and Ben in 1996 and 2000 respectively.

Near Light draws on its leadership team's experience of partnerships with the likes of Sony and Disney across a variety of gaming genres

A piece of music by lafur Arnalds inspired the nameNear Light. At the peak of projects, the Near Light team has grown to 20 people. The acquisition by NDreams gives it more room to grow.

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