Fragments can be found everywhere from the edges of coastlines to the edges of snow. Their repetitive nature can inspire mathematical insights into the chaotic landscape.
A new example of a weird mathematical behavior called a magnetic monopole has been discovered in a type of magnetic substance called spin ice.
Water ices obey the same structural rules as spin ices, with unique interactions governed by the spins of their electrons. They don't have any low-energy states of minimal activity because of this activity. They almost hum with noise.
The quantum buzz has characteristics that act like magnets. They behave in a similar way that makes them worth studying.
A group of researchers recently looked at a spin ice. The material's magnetic rules break when small amounts of heat are applied to it.
A few questions were left unanswered after a team of researchers identified magnetic monopole activity in a dysprosium titanate spin ice.
Physicists realized the monopoles weren't moving in three dimensions. They were restricted to a 2.53-dimensional plane.
The scientists created complex models at the atomic scale to show that the monopole movement was constrained in a pattern that was being erased and rewritten.
Jonathan Hallén is a physicist from the University of Cambridge.
The configurations of the spins created a network that the monopoles had to leave behind. The network was going in the right direction.
Conventional experiments missed the fractals because of this behavior. The noise made around the monopoles revealed what they were doing.
The physicist from the University of Cambridge in the UK knew there was something weird going on. The results from 30 years of experiments didn't match up.
"After several failed attempts to explain the noise results, we finally had a eureka moment, realizing that the monopoles must be living in a fractal world and not moving freely in three dimensions."
Spin ices, an emerging field of study that could offer a next-gen upgrade on the electronics we use today, could be a result of these sorts of breakthrough.
While explaining several puzzling experimental results that have been challenging us for a long time, the discovery of a mechanism for the emergence of a new type of fractal has led to an entirely unexpected route for unconventional motion to take place in three dimensions.
The research has appeared in a journal.