According to CNBC, a message was sent on the company's Slack channel that said newer employees weren't as productive. He wondered if this was due to a lack of training and sharing of tribal knowledge that used to be part of the office culture.

The report states that he said that new employees are facing lower productivity. I wonder if this is a reflection of our office policy. Building tribal knowledge with new employees without an office culture is questionable.

It is odd for a company to spend $27 billion on a service that allows easy communication among employees regardless of where they are.

There is a company called Digital HQ. It means you can operate in a digital way. It is a catch phrase that every executive is contractually obligated to use at least once in every interaction with customers or the press.

When they were asked for clarification, they said this.

There is a hybrid work environment that allows leaders and teams to work together. They have the ability to decide when and where they come together.

It adds to the general turbulence we have seen from the company over the last several weeks. The company refused to give a forecast for next fiscal year, as well as several key executives leaving, amid reports of tension between the co-CEOs.

The face of the company suggests that a model that is core to the company's approach may be failing it. It's not clear what the message is.

It has been a rough year for software-as-a-service companies, with the stock price ofSalesforce down 50% for the year.