Musk put his own leadership on the line by launching another one of his famous policy polls yesterday. I don't know if I should step down. He said he would follow the results of the poll. Fifty five percent of users voted "Yes", compared to forty five percent who voted "No", a 15-point difference. Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will abide by the results of this poll. It's not clear if Musk will abide by his poll as he hasn't commented on the results. As the saying goes, be careful what you wish, as you might get it, after he published the vote. In a reply to another user on the same thread, he said that no one wants the job who can keep the service alive. There isn't a new person. During the World Cup, Musk was at the tournament with a former White House adviser. There was a lot of activity on the social networking site. Users will no longer be allowed to link to competing platforms on the social media site. The ban of multiple users, including Paul Graham, was the result of that. Musk apologized and said there would be a vote for major policy changes. In a poll yesterday, users were asked if there should be a policy prohibiting the creation of or use of existing accounts for the purpose of advertising other social media platforms. The "No" votes have a 87 percent share and are still going strong.Steve Dent|@stevetdent|December 19, 2022 7:10 AM