The film earned an estimated $134 million in its opening weekend, making it one of the most expensive movies of all time to make.


The movie earned an estimated $134 million in ticket sales in the US. The 20th century studios.

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According to The Hollywood Reporter, the film brought in $301 million in ticket sales around the world.

The sequel was expected to make up to $170 million, but it was later estimated to make between $130 million and $150 million.

"Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" leads this year's box office opening charts with $187.4 million after tying "The Batman" in its March debut.

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The movie brought in nearly double the amount of money earned by the first movie in the series. It was the highest grossing film of all time with nearly $3 billion in ticket sales.

The way of water raked in $53 million on its opening day, which may not be enough.