The new chairman of the House Oversight Committee said Friday that the FBI needs to be dismantled after it was revealed that the bureau was in constant contact with the company before it was taken over by Musk.
Between January 2020 and November 2022, the FBI exchanged more than 150 emails with YoelRoth. The New York Post reported on Hunter Biden's laptop.
After the election, the FBI formed a task force of 80 agents. The team worked with the social media site to make sure the election wasn't interfered with.
According to Taibbi, the FBI asked for information about users that related to active investigations, but also called on the site to crack down on election-related misinformation.
This will be a top priority for Republicans on the oversight committee.
After the Hunter Biden laptop story came to light, Comer was concerned that a "rogue FBI employee or two" were communicating with the company.
The FBI had a ministry of propaganda that was dedicated to nothing but censoring free speech on the internet. I think it's eighty! The incoming chairman of the House Oversight Committee will cost the taxpayers around $12 million in salaries and benefits.
Look at our First Amendment rights, he said. Republicans and Democrats should be angry about free speech. This can't continue.
He believes that the FBI could be doing similar work with other social-media platforms.
It's serious. They are involved in the FBI. The FBI needs to be destroyed. strict reforms are needed to start all over. At the FBI, there needs to be checks and balances.
The Energy and Commerce Committee, the House Intelligence Committee and the House Oversight Committee will be investigating Big Tech in the new year.
On Friday, other Republicans spoke out against the revelations.
The new report could indicate that the FBI has worked with both companies in the same way.
The GOP House Judiciary Committee asked if anyone still trusts the FBI.