Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer sat down at a restaurant for an interview with CNN.

When asked what a second Trump presidency would mean, Pelosi said, "I don't think that we should talk about him while we're eating."

Schumer had a good laugh.

Is that really true? It's another Trump presidency. There is a need for an intervention by his family or someone else.

She doesn't think he's on the level

Schumer talked about Pelosi's dealings with Trump during his presidency.

For her first 35 to 40 years of life, Nancy knew how to deal with children. He said that the deal she made with Trump was because he was a child.

President Joe Biden will run for the White House again in four years, according to both Pelosi and Schumer.

Pelosi thinks that President Biden has done a good job. I hope he tries to get reelected. He has been a good president.

Schumer said to look at what he's done. I will support him all the way if he decides to run.

You can watch the interview here.
