Image for article titled Delete Your Phone Number From Twitter Before They Sell It

According to a new report on platformer, after alienating advertisers and losing revenue, the social network plans to sell location data and phone numbers to advertisers. It's a good time to take that information out of your account. If you are concerned, you should remove that data even if Musk doesn't implement these changes.

How to remove your phone number from Twitter

You can remove your phone number from your account by going to the phone settings page. You might not be able to scrub your number if you get login codes via text. If that is the case, you should change to a different form of two-factor verification. It is a good idea to switch to a different type of code since it is not very secure in the beginning. If you want to avoid sharing your phone number with companies that sell your data for profit, it's a good idea to use an app that protects your phone number.

When you are ready to make the change, go to the two-factor-authentication page and check the text message. If you want to receive login codes, you can switch to the Authentication app. If you own a physical security key such as YubiKey, you can use it to log in to your account on the social networking site.

How to remove your location data from Twitter

You don't want your location tag to be available to everyone on the internet, and it's a terrible idea to tag all your posts. There is more motivation to stop giving location data to the company now that they are selling it to advertisers. You can remove location access from your phone by going to the privacy settings. The settings page is the same on both phones and tablets. If you use the search feature in the settings app, you can find the location permission page and get rid of it.

All location data should be removed from older Tweets. If you want to remove location information from your Tweets, you have to go to the location settings page of the social network.