Even as the electric vehicle maker's stock value continues to decline, Musk has once again sold a huge amount of his company's stock.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Musk sold off 22 million of his shares in the company over the course of three days, bringing the total amount he's unloaded since April to just under $23 billion. The shares were worth about $150 apiece, which is 28 percent less than before he took over.

We can't be sure if this latest sale of his EV company's shares is meant to shore up Twitter's dire financial situation because we haven't received a response from the company.

It's not out of the realm of possibility. Since it hasn't made a profit since the beginning of the year, it's no wonder that the company is in a bad position.

Nightmare Fuel

The stock value of the company has fallen to a two-year low. Unsurprisingly, some of the EV maker's investors are angry at Musk for shifting his focus to his new toy, while the company continues to lose money at such a rapid rate.

The purchase will go down as the most overpaid tech acquisition in history as Musk continues to use his EV company as his own ATM machine, according to analysts from the leading wealth management company.

The whole fiasco is being called a "Twitter nightmare" by the wealth management experts.

There are new limits on free speech.