Trump Claims 'America Needs A Superhero,' Promises 'Major Announcement' On Thursday

On Wednesday, the former president shared that he would be making a statement on Thursday.

On his truth social platform, Trump teased the announcement. He said that America needs a superhero.

It seems unlikely that Trump will be joining either of the cinematic universes.

The video Trump posted on Truth Social was shared by the person who wrote it.

A video shows an idealized depiction of the former president ripping open his suit and exposing a red, skintight costume.

His eyes are glowing.

There was a lot of mockery of Trump on social media.

Sarah Reese Jones is a political commentator.

His poll numbers are at rock bottom. His announcement was a humiliating dud. Indictments are imminent. His family wants nothing to do with him. He spends his days sending deranged posts on his failing app, which is also under investigation. What a sad, pathetic, loser.

— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) December 14, 2022

He's going to announce his running mate who will be Kari Lake, if I had to guess.

Or it will be another cheap attention stunt and not major at all.

— Ventura (@jeffventura) December 14, 2022

Trump says he’s going to make a major announcement tomorrow. Unless he admits to being responsible for leading an Armed Insurrection to Overthrow the United States Government, there will be nothing major about it.

— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) December 14, 2022

Read "Trump shares bizarre video teasing ‘major announcement’' on SmartNews: he might be a super criminal, a super racist, a super homophobe, a super anti Semite on a super ConMan, a super misogynist, and super at tax fraud, never a superhero

— 👑Kenny "Star🌟Maker" Bolin🎙️®™ The👑of🎙️ (@StarMakerBolin) December 14, 2022


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