At the investor event in March, the company announced +Play, a free web-based platform exclusive to the company that gives customers access to subscription services across entertainment, music, gaming, fitness, lifestyle and more.

+play is a service that allows customers to purchase and manage accounts for over 20 services.

The +play users will receive a 12 month subscription to the premium tier of the streaming service. The offer is only available for a short time.

There is no additional cost for customers to get + Play. You can get early access to the platform by logging into it with your existing account information. Once a user subscribes to a service through +play, they can use the service directly through the app or online portal.

Like many other subscription hubs, +play has a Discover tab, a Shop tab, and a Manage tab where users can have all their account payments in one place. Users will get notifications every time a free trial ends or there is a price change.

The platform will evolve over time and will include new services, exclusive offers and features.

The image was taken from the website ofVerizon.

As the network America relies on and one of the largest direct-to- consumer distributors in the U.S., we are positioned to move the industry forward by offering customers more choice and enabling a seamless billing and management. Customers will be able to get all of their favorite content and a special offer only in +play.

The rise of streaming service aggregations is likely to lead to more customers wanting +play. Primetime channels on YouTube allow users to subscribe and watch content from more than one service. There are other competitors, including Apple.

This is a huge milestone for the industry as a whole and we are proud to continue to be pioneers in the new era of content and subscription services.

YouTube begins selling streaming subscriptions with its new streaming hub, ‘Primetime Channels’