A group of Marines were confronted by local residents after straying off their training area.
The Marines encountered residents of the nearby Higashi village after they lost their way to the jungle warfare training center.
The soldiers headed towards the gate after they realized they had made a mistake.
The Marines were chased by a group of locals, and one of them tried to take a gun from the Marines, according to a representative from the Defense Ministry.
The Taiwan Night Club stopped the "Coffin Dance" after dancers added blackface.
The person who tried to grab the gun was later identified as Akino Miyagi, a butterfly researcher.
Miyagi said he got close to them and grabbed a gun, but they didn't chase him.
Miyagi said that carrying guns out of the base is very frightening.
An Asian man spat on, kicked and said "Go back to China" at a Mcdonald's drive-through.
Miyagi discovered large amounts of military waste when he was against the bases.
She was accused of putting a small amount of military waste in front of the U.S. Marine Corps Northern Training Area gate. Her personal belongings were taken during the search.
The anti-base movement in Okinawa has grown due to pollution, noise and alleged violence committed by U.S. base personnel.
The clerk was fired from the Silicon Valley supermarket for making anti- Asian American comments.
The Marines try to be good neighbors and mitigate the impact of training on the local community.
Local authorities are said to be considering charging Miyagi with a crime.
The Thai Monk was forced to hide after winning the lottery.
There is a featured image from USA patriotism.