Brittney Griner and Kim Mulkey in 2012, en route to Baylor’s national championship victory.

Kim Mulkey has commented on the column.

You'll get burned dancing with the devil. You won't be playing for Kim Mulkey.

It has been almost a week since we woke up to the news that the prisoner exchange between the United States and Russia resulted in the release of the American woman. Since then, we have heard stories about how she befriended the flight crew and wanted to talk for hours. She did a dunk on the basketball court in her first workout after a long time.

Do you know what we didn't hear or read about?

Kim Mulkey said something on the matter.

The Almighty is good. Mulkey said that prayers are powerful. Britney is on her way back to her hometown. We are praying for her and her family as they recover.

She only had 29 words left to say. Mulkey said "and you won't" when she was asked why she hadn't spoken up before.

A great coach and a bad person are what Mulkey has always been. At some point, one of those things needs to mean more than the other, and that is now. Every player on LSU's women's basketball team should enter the transfer portal after this season.

It sounds a bit extreme.

It should. Mulkey only left us to work with extreme measures.

Nobody on your current and future teams has a chance of ever being more than a name and number on a roster to you, if 29 words are all you can spare for a player who helped you win a national championship after an incomprehensible 40 perfect season.

Mulkey's actions aren't shocking since she's historically shown herself to be There is a woman who wants the NCAA to stop testing during the Final Four. She begged Trump to invite her team to the White House, and she supported the athletic department that was involved in the worst sexual assault scandal on a college campus. She is said to have told her players that they needed to hide their sexuality. I think it was a recruiting thing. If it seemed like the coaches condoned it, people wouldn't let their kids play for them.

Kim Mulkey doesn't pay much attention to her players. She has shown that status doesn't matter. She doesn't care if you're the best she's ever coached or a walk-on. She's the last person you should call if you need help.

The players at LSU need to clean out their lockers. If your coach doesn't care about you, she won't care about you.