After more than 50 years of research into nuclear fusion, scientists have confirmed a major breakthrough that could pave the way for abundant clean energy in the future.

A landmark achievement known as ignition or energy gain is when fusion experiments release more energy than is pumped in by the lab.

Scientists hailed the breakthrough as proof that the power of the stars can be harnessed on Earth, despite the fact that the technology is not ready to turn into viable power plants.

The policy director at the White House Office of Science and Technology said that last week they shot a bunch of lasers at a pellet of fuel and more energy was released from that fusion ignition than the energy of the lasers went in. This is a great example of perseverance that can be achieved.

The release of greenhouse gases and radioactive waste are not caused by fusion energy. A single kilogram of fusion fuel, which is made up of heavy forms of hydrogen called deuterium and tritium, provides 10 million kilowatts of energy. 70 years has passed since this point was reached.

The US has taken the first tentative step towards a clean energy source that could transform the world, according to the announcement.

There is a large complex at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The US was able to maintain its nuclear warheads without having to conduct nuclear tests because of the experiments it was built to perform.

The experiments are moving closer to fusion power. Researchers use 192 giant lasers to create reactions in a gold cylinder. The container is hotter than the surface of the sun and has a peppercorn-sized fuel pellet inside.

The X-rays cause a rocket-like implosion, driving temperatures and pressures to extreme levels only seen in stars, giant planets and nuclear detonations. The deuterium and tritium are irreparably damaged by the implosion.

A burst of energy is created by each fusion pair of hydrogen nuclei. Tritium can be found in the Earth's crust and Deuterium can be found in the ocean.

A sign that fusion reactions in the pellet were driving further fusion reactions was seen when researchers pumped in 2.05MJ of laser energy. According to Dr Marvin Adams at the National Nuclear Security Administration, the energy production took less time than it takes to travel an inch.

Marv Adams explains what happened in the successful experiment – video

There are hurdles in the pursuit of fusion power plants. The calculation does not take into account the amount of MJ needed to power up the lasers in the first place. A power plant would need to heat targets 10 times per second to be able to use the NIF lasers. The cost of the targets is the first thing that comes to mind. For a viable power plant, the ones used in the US experiment need to cost pence. How to get the energy out as heat is one of the issues.

With enough investment, a few decades of research could put us in a position to build a power plant. She said that a power plant using alternative technology could be ready sooner.

Wark is a professor of physics at the University of Oxford and director of the Oxford Centre for high energy density science. The result proves that fusion is possible in the lab. The hurdles to make a commercial reactor are huge and must not be underestimated.

Wark said asking how long it would take to overcome the challenges is like asking the Wright brothers how long it would take to build a plane. Everyone wants to believe that this is the solution to the energy crisis. Whoever says it is with any certainty is lying.

It is unlikely that fusion will have a significant impact on our current climate change crisis, so there must be no let up on our efforts.

The basic science works and the laws of physics don't stop us from achieving the goal. Predicting is difficult, especially when it is about the future, as stated by the winner of the atomic physicist's prize.

A reader in nuclear materials at Imperial College London called the achievement a "fantastic scientific breakthrough". He said that there are challenges of how you can get the energy out of the system, how you can sustain the energy for long enough to be useful, and whether the energy can be cheap enough to compete with other sources.