According to a recent report from The Guardian, there have been more incidents of road rage for the drivers of the electric car.

One man, who lives in Thousand Oaks, California, and didn't want to be publicly outed as aTesla driver, noticed the road rage within the first week.

He told the publication that he had been the victim of road rage eight times in November. I'll be driving the same speed I used to, but they'll cut in front of me and drive really slow or prevent me from changing lanes.

Multiple owners of the company told The Guardian that the incidents seem to stem from anti-EV sentiment, rather than dislike of Musk, who is almost synonymous with the brand.

John Shevelew, a driver for the electric car company, told The Guardian that the incidents are more likely to happen in the South. People driving pickup trucks are to blame for road rage, according to three more drivers.

Laura Kennedy said that it's almost always a man in a pickup truck. I don't think I have ever been flipped off like I have in the past year or so.

There is no data to show that electric cars are more likely to be harassed than other cars. In August, it was reported that over a dozenTesla drivers in Iowa had been heckled, cut off in traffic and blocked from charging their cars.

Reports of harassment from the IowaTesla Owners Club included instances of "rolling coal" and "ICEing." Rolling coal refers to moments when drivers of larger vehicles blow exhaust at an EV, while ICEing refers to drivers trying to block electric car owners from accessing charging stations.

Many people have caught the instances on camera, and there's even a channel dedicated to road rage.

There are instances of people cursing out the drivers of the cars and vandalizing them. Multiple cameras and a system that allows drivers to monitor their vehicles from afar are some of the features of the electric cars.

The full report can be found on the website.