Artificial intelligence has become good at generating text that can almost be written by a human.

The most impressive release thus far is by Openai. The offshot of the company's GPT-3 artificial intelligence makes it possible for anyone to use it to generate text on almost any topic.

Its outputs include highbrow poetry and suggestions for fixes to source code.

University professors are alarmed by the fact that it can even write college essays and cook up believable-ish answers to exam questions that could score students a decent mark.

Dan Gillmor, a journalism professor at Arizona State University, told The Guardian that he would have given this a good grade if he had the chance. There are some very serious issues to confront.

Machine Learning High

It has been available to the public for several days now, and to its credit, it has not turned into a misinformation machine, spreading hate or conspiracy theories.

OpenAI may have created something useful, instead of creating a nightmare.

Is that correct? Peter Wang, CEO of machine learning company Anaconda, said he had a 20 minute conversation about the history of modern physics. During high school and college, I would be a tutor. It's amazing.

He believes that the concept of education can be re-invented. The college will cease to exist.

Tell Me Lies

It can't really tell truth from fiction, and often makes up facts on the spot, even though it can generate impressive texts.

It is possible that it could be used to teach you how to shoplift or steal a car.

While it won't be replacing your professor any time soon, it could be poised to change the face of education.

Academics are shocked by the bot's essay-writing skills.

There are more instructions on how to shoplift from Openai.