Kids who develop kindness and emotional intelligence at a young age will be more successful as adults. Self-regulation is one of the skills that parents don't teach their kids enough of.

When kids learn to regulate their behavior, they understand the importance of time and how to manage their own actions.

When my daughters were young, it was important for me to teach this. Susan is the CEO ofYouTube, Janet is a doctor, and Anne is the co- founder and CEO of 23andMe.

They all rose to the top of their fields.

Children used to meet up with friends in person, play outside, and read books.

Since then, things have changed. We are always on the go. Kids know how to use technology. Second graders demand cell phones from their parents to take pictures or use social media.

The access kids have is not something I worry about. The lack of self-control and self-efficacy is the reason for it. What amount of time should kids spend on a device? How much should it be used? They should be doing something about it.

Screen time isn't the only thing that self-regulation is about. It helps them become more confident.

The sooner we teach self-regulation the better.

1. Model a healthy relationship with technology.

Think back to the last time you ate lunch, typed an email, and listened to a show on your phone. All of us have been there.

Parents can make it difficult for children to self- regulate. Our kids watch and copy us.

More than half of kids think their parents use their devices too often. When their parents were on the phone, 32% of children felt unimportant.

It's un important. I feel sad. When someone checks their phone while talking, how many of us feel the same? For our children's sake and ours, we need to set boundaries.

2. Teach them to be patient.

One of the skills that self-regulation is based on is patience. Kids who wait longer for rewards have better life outcomes according to a study.

The opposite of patience is allowing a child to be online for the entire day.

It was part of our lives to wait and save. When they were young, we saved for what we wanted, because we didn't have a lot of money. Each of them had their own bank of money. Every Sunday, we cut coupons from the paper.

They felt a sense of accomplishment when they were able to buy what they wanted.

3. Let them be bored.

My students used to complain to me that I couldn't keep their attention during class. I didn't get upset or offended.

I told you that I wanted you to ask your parents if they are ever bored at work. You can skip my lecture if you tell me that they are never bored.

That made them pay attention. I said being bored is preparation for life. Right now, you are practicing. They all understood what they were laughing at. Sometimes life is interesting.

During those times, you can learn a lot. Either you go straight to your phone or you can dream about what you want. How are you going to proceed? There are obstacles that need to be overcome. What do you think is the most exciting thing?

4. Set tech rules.

Many parents don't establish the ground rules

There are some rules for technology.

  1. Set up a plan with your kids, not for your kids.
  2. No phones during meals, whether in your house or someone else’s.
  3. No phones after bedtime. Explain the importance of sleep for brain development, and remind them that their bodies grow when they sleep.
  4. Use discretion with small children. Younger kids, starting at age four, should be taught how to use cell phones in case of an emergency.
  5. Children should come up with their own cell phone policies for family vacations, or any kind of social activity where they need to be present. Be sure to choose a penalty for disobeying their own policy (e.g., losing a certain amount of time on a device).
  6. Discuss what pictures and audio are appropriate to share online. Explain that whatever they post leaves a digital footprint.
  7. Help them understand what cyberbullying is, and its negative impact on others. I always say: “Laugh with your friends, not at them.”
  8. Teach them to not give out personal identification information.

Kids who can self-regulate are more likely to have successful relationships with themselves and other people.

Esther is the co- founder of and the chief parenting office at S esh. She can follow her on the social networking site.

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