After six months of construction, three Chinese astronauts landed in the northern desert on Sunday.

The landing site for the crew of the capsule was in the Gobi Desert in northern China at 8:10pm. China Central Television broadcasted at 1210GMT.

It was the first time in history that China had six astronauts in space at the same time, and they were all on the same mission. The third and final module arrived at the station this month.

The astronauts were taken out of the capsule by medics. They were all smiling and waving at the workers at the landing site.

After six busy and fulfilling months in space, Chen was the first to leave the capsule. We came back to the motherland like meteorites.

She said that she was moved to see her family.

Three astronauts were part of the mission. The trio oversaw five rendezvous and dockings with various spaceships after they arrived at the station.

Three spacewalks, a live science lecture from the station, and a range of experiments were done by them.

There is a plan for a human presence in the space station.

The United States objected to the Chinese space program's close ties to the military wing of the Communist Party.

The station's maximum weight was increased to 100 tons after the arrival of the mission.

The International Space Station, which launched its first module in 1998 and weighed around 465 tons, is less than the Chinese station.

If the International Space Station retires by the end of the decade as expected, the only space station still up and running will be Tiangong.

After the former Soviet Union and the United States, China became the third country to send an astronauts into space on its own.

The Yutu 2 rover was the first to explore the unexplored side of the moon. In December 2020, lunar rocks were returned to Earth for the first time since the 1970s, and a Chinese rover is looking for evidence of life on Mars.

A crewed mission to the moon is being considered by officials.