James Woods, known for his role in Family Guy, is trying to stop his neighbor from building a home at the edge of the lake.
Woods was born in Rhode Island and graduated from Pilgrim high school. He and his family have owned property on the lake for a long time.
The 75-year-old actor is trying to stop his neighbor from building a two-bedroom home on the waterfront.
The land has been used by the Hawker family as an access point to the lake.
Woods claims that the board broke local rules by granting the variance and that the project wouldn't change the character of the lakeside community. The.14-acre property at 0 West Shore Drive is adjacent to the Woods family estate.
Woods asked the court to reverse the approval because the board failed to consider the project's impact on nearby property values.
His lawyer didn't return a phone call.
The town states that the approval for a two-bedroom house was originally granted in 2011. Before the town enacted a 2-acre minimum lot size in that residential zone, the property was a pre-existing, non- conforming lot.
The public hearings will be held on April 14, May 12, June 6 and June 15. When Robenhymer got carbon dioxide, the board continued the matter twice to allow the measurement to be corrected.
The project was approved by the board on June 15 and it was noted that the home was centered on the property to reduce the amount of relief needed. The board found the plans to be modest in size and in keeping with the surrounding properties.
The board asked that the approval be upheld and that Woods' complaint be dismissed, arguing that the board's decision was supported by the correct legal standards.
The fact that the neighborhood around Boone Lake is comprised of many similar, small lots and that single- family homes are a use permitted by right was enough to satisfy the criteria.
Woods argued that the proposal wouldn't change the area, but the board disagreed. The board didn't need to consider the impact on neighboring property values.
The board could not deny Mr. Hawker's application because of the requirements invented by Mr. Woods.
The suit was not commented on by the man.
Woods was nominated for an Oscar twice for his work, first for Oliver Stone's "Salvador" and again for Rob Reiner's "Ghosts of Mississippi."
The town of Rhode Island is being sued by actor James Woods for building a house on a lake.