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Light Bar on Police Car - stock photoRandy Faris / Getty Images
  • Martha Louis Menefield was arrested on Sunday for not paying her garbage bill.

  • According to Menefield, she never received a notice or citation for her bills.

  • Menefield was treated well during his arrest, according to the police chief.

The woman was arrested for not paying her trash bill.

According to a statement by Valley Police Chief Mike Reynolds, Martha Louis Minefield was arrested on Sunday for not paying her trash bill for three months.

An arrest warrant was issued for Menefield after she failed to appear in court.

Menefield told CBS 42 that she was surprised when police officers showed up at her house.

The senior told the outlet that she never received a notice to appear in court and that her trash pickup was never suspended.

Menefield was upset because he didn't know why he would be arrested.

Menefield told CBS 42 that she asked the officer how she would feel if she were arrested, and he told her not to cry.

Menefield told CBS 42 that he was happy his grandsons weren't present. That would have made them angry. I was embarrassed. It's bothered me.

The police chief said Menefield was treated with respect.

While our officers can use their discretionary judgement on certain matters, the enforcement of an arrest warrant issued by the court is not one of them. Ms. Menefield was released on a bond as a result of the violation and was treated respectfully by our officers.

According to the police statement, Menefield was released on bond after a short time at the police department.

Menefield said that he was in a cage at the police station. I asked if they were going to put me in the cage. You need to be embarrassed of yourself.

You can read the original article.