A crewless submarine the length of a London double-decker bus will be purchased by the UK military.
The first crewless submarine in the British fleet will be named Cetus and will be 40 feet long and 17 tons. Critical national infrastructure and sub-sea activity will be protected by it.
According to the Ministry of Defence, Cetus can cover 1,000 miles of the ocean floor in a single mission and has a maximum operational depth that surpasses that of the current submarine fleet. According to a government press release, it will be the largest and most complex crewless submarine.
First Sea Lord admiral Sir Ben Key said that the extra large underwater vehicle was a step change in the mission to dominate the underwater battlespace.
The news of a new British vessel comes at a time when the West considers the threat posed by the damage to theNord Stream line. The leak of theNord Stream was thought to be the work of Russian saboteurs.
John Brennan said it was an act of sabotage and named Russia a suspect. A British defense source said it was likely that the leak was caused by a pre- planned attack.
The UK's need to protect its underwater space was highlighted in October when remote islands off the coast of Scotland were mysteriously cut off from the outside world.
The Royal Navy needs to be ahead of the competition with cutting-edge capabilities to meet the growing threats to our underwater infrastructure. The security of the UK and our allies is protected by the right equipment.