Image for article titled After Discovery of Huge Data Breach, Twitter Alternative Hive Goes Offline

Hive Social saw a huge increase in users after Musk took over the company. Hive was one of the alternative social media sites that a group of people decided to try. A million users were added to the platform in a few weeks. Hive wasn't ready for the huge influx of users and a host of security issues have forced it to take its server offline

Hive had a massive problem on its hands according to a report published this week. Hive had software vulnerabilities that exposed a lot of its users' personal data to the internet. Hive users would have had their kit and caboodle stolen if a cybercriminal knew of the bugs. Researchers didn't share technical details about the bugs because they were afraid of being exploited.

According to the author of the post.

“The issues we reported allow any attacker to access all data, including private posts, private messages, shared media and even deleted direct messages. This also includes private email addresses and phone numbers entered during login. Attackers can also overwrite data such as posts owned by other users...”

Hive failed to fix most of the issues in the report after the researchers reached out to them. After a few days, researchers decided to publish their findings and warn people against using Hive Social. Hive took its service offline after acknowledging the security issues, only after the research had gone live.