At least 9,000 people died with the H1N1 virus in November, figures that are at odds with the widespread belief that the epidemic is over as increasing numbers of Americans return to their pre-pandemic lifestyles and shun updated vaccines as immunity fades.
In the US in November, more than 9000 Americans died with Covid.
Between 300 and 400 Americans died with Covid every day in November, according to CDC data, a rate that has remained roughly constant since October but took a downturn in the last days of November.
The toll, which mainly affects the elderly, is significant but largely ignored or written off as an acceptable or inevitable loss by politicians, leaders and members of the public who are eager.
According to CDC data, between 3,000 and 4,000 people a day were admitted to hospital with Covid in November, which is a long way from the peak of the H1N1 epidemic in January, but they are still far away from the lows of earlier this year.
The public response to Covid in November is markedly different from other times during the Pandemic and polling suggests Americans are quickly moving on from it.
Searches for terms that have risen and fallen in line with cases and deaths have fallen and are at their lowest point in a long time.
1,137,303. There have been Covid-19 deaths in the US since the beginning of the Pandemic. Over one hundred thousand Americans have died with Covid. Covid will be the third leading cause of death in the country for the third year in a row. Official figures suggest that the death toll is less than it really is. Excess deaths, which include those not counted in official tally and those who may have died from causes related to the Pandemic, are much higher and provide a more complete account. Millions of people who have survived the virus and are now suffering from long Covid are also at risk.
There is a possibility of a new wave. Cold weather has historically aided the spread of respiratory infections by bringing people closer together. The population is more vulnerable due to the diminishing enthusiasm for booster shots and the emergence of new omicrons that are more capable of skirting our defenses.
Anthony Fauci, the White House's chief medical advisor, has repeatedly urged Americans to get boosted but expressed optimism that any wave this winter will not be a repeat of the high levels last year. The country has enough community protection that we are not going to see a repeat of what happened last year, Fauci said at a White House meeting. This protection comes from a combination of highly effective vaccines and booster shots, large numbers of people with protection from prior infections, and the roll out of new or improved treatments.
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It looks like there is one million covid deaths in the U.S.
Live updates on the coronaviruses.