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The Almighty Buck Apple

The post was from the cut-of-the-pie department.

Popular NFT and cryptocurrency app Coinbase Wallet today said that Apple required an NFT-sending feature to be removed from the app due to an in-app purchase dispute. MacRumors reports: Apple's App Store review team apparently told Coinbase that the "gas fees required to send NFTs need to be paid through in-app purchase." Apple wanted a cut of transactions, which Coinbase Wallet said is similar to Apple attempting to take a cut of fees for every email that's sent over the internet. Apple is asking for something that is not possible, because the in-app purchase system does not support cryptocurrency to begin with.

Apple will not approve an app update until the NFT-sending feature is disabled, and the removal of the feature will make it more difficult for users who have an NFT to transfer it to other wallet or gift it to a friend or family member. Apple has introduced profit-protecting policies that come at the expense of developer innovation, according to the developers of the app. An invitation has been sent to Apple to discuss the matter, which is hoped to be a mistake by the wallet.

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