The black-browed babbler has been around for more than 170 years and scientists and birdwatchers haven't heard a peep from it. The bird was thought to be extinct until two men accidentally discovered it in the forests of Borneo.
There is a limestone hill behind my home. I try to find birds and leftover wood to sell. On October 5, 2020, we caught a bird. I had seen it for a while, but I couldn't tell you its species.
There are more than eight million different forms of life on Earth, but one million of them are thought to be at risk of extinction. Plants and animals are lost. Some reappear years later thanks to the work of scientists and other people in the field. The series celebrates rare moments of hope when life clings on against the odds, and highlights the important work being done to preserve the planet's extraordinary diversity.Q&AShow
A black-browed babbler is a small bird with black, grey and brown feathers. The bird was only known from a specimen collected in the 1840s and mislabelled for about 50 years as having been found on the island of Java.
They decided to share photos of the bird with the birdwatching community because they didn't know who it was.
Panji is an ornithologist and member of Indonesia's Birdpacker birdwatching group. He says that the pictures went around the community for a while, until he saw them in the group for his club.
The black-browed babbler was the bird I used to research and ask experts about. It was a very bold claim to report a species that has been missing for more than 100 years. I didn't see any other alternatives.
It has very unique, loud, and melodious vocalisation, often sounded in a duet
The news made him excited but also worried since it could be a very rare species. I let the bird go once I knew the value of it.
The finding made me realize that there is something special about the place where I was born and grew up. I used to work as a guide for people who wanted to see or photograph this bird, which is an occupation I never knew existed. I know that the bird is worth more in the wild than if I kept it in a cage or sold it at the bird market.
Akbar and other ornithologists have had the chance to study the bird in the wild since it was discovered. Akbar says that it is interesting to see how it is associated with limestone hills. It shows an interesting habit of moving in and out of the limestone caves and crevices, clambering about in the rugged environment to hunt insects and other animals. It has a unique, loud and melodic vocalisation, which may shed some light on its family's relationship with other members.
The babbler has attracted a lot of attention. Akbar says that many birders from overseas came to South Kalimantan to see the bird after Indonesia relaxed its travel restrictions. They should hire his brother as a guide. It helps them to get new income that is more sustainable and also helps the local community to understand the importance of this bird in the wild.
Akbar and his team are writing a report on the bird's distribution and possible population even though it is listed as deficient on the red list.
He hopes the upcoming publication will help authorities determine the threatened status of this species and recommend its inclusion in Indonesia's protected species list.
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