The password manager has been broken into again. Toubba discovered an unusual activity within a third-party cloud storage service that it shares with GoTo. LastPass and Mandiant are investigating the incident. They've determined that the unauthorized party got into the cloud service by using information from the security breach it suffered in August. The bad actor was able to access some of its customers' information. Toubba admitted after an investigation that the unauthorized party had internal access to its systems for four days. The password manager's source code and technical information was stolen, but LastPass said customers' data and vaults remained untouched. The service's development environment was where the hacker's access was restricted. LastPass said customers' passwords remain safe after the unauthorized party was able to get some user information. GoTo has admitted that bad actors entered its development environment. The company has assured customers that its products and services are up to date despite the incident. We will likely hear more about the incident in the coming months as the password manager and its parent company investigate.