Contributors' opinions are their own.

The new term is like pivot.

The same thing happened to me. I didn't hear anything about "mindset" as a child, but the daughter of a Marine was born in the early '80s.

I didn't hear anything else.

Money doesn't grow on trees.

I didn't have a mentality at the time. There was always more. It would go away if there was a chance. It's either feast or famine.

I believed that my parents put me through college so that I could get a job after graduation. You do that. College, work, pay bills all end in death.

My dad was working until he died. He didn't have a chance to resign because of the cancer. He was sick for a while. He had a banking career but still had trouble with finances.

I started my own marketing agency in 2016 after watching him go through that and know that he wanted to retire years earlier. Even if it seems crazy, entrepreneurship is something that can't be shaken, something we continue to do even if it seems crazy.

I did my business the same way I did my first, without a lot of thought, feelings or emotions about what I wanted to achieve.

I stumbled upon "mindset" by mistake. The books that helped me take my business to the next level are listed below.

If you are serious about success, you should read these books.

Book #1 — The Secret

The Secret is a book that leads to a mindset. A multi millionaire guest introduced me to it on my show. When she found it, what stuck out was what she went through. She said she had to save herself because she realized nobody would save her.

This book is about knowing that we can change everything and understand that we are more powerful than we think, while knowing that it all starts with us.

Our thoughts affect our behavior, actions, and attitudes.

The Secret is easy to digest and has a variety of people from across the globe that share their experiences with the secret.

Book #2 — Think and Grow Rich

I read Think and Grow Rich because Bob Proctor talked about Napoleon Hill's book a lot.

The origin story is one of the things I love about this book. Carnegie was looking for someone to interview the most successful people in the world. He asked Hill if he would do it without pay, and the only thing Carnegie would do was introduce these successful people. Hill interviewed people like Henry Ford and Alexander Graham Bell after he said yes.

This reinforces the fact that there are so many things going on around us that we don't even know they exist.

These 13 principles are outlined in the book.

Book #3 — In Tune with the Infinite

This book made me feel exposed and warm. I began to uncover layers of myself that I didn't know were there. I was not aware of a lot.

I began to look at childhood traumas, limiting beliefs and aspects of myself that I didn't know existed. I realized I had to let go of a lot of things.

It sounds like it's simple. It is not easy.

Is running a business related to these things? I would make bad decisions in my business because of my past experiences.

I would agree to take on a needy client if they did not have the budget for my services. My childhood experiences and feelings of scarcity are what made this happen.

It took me a long time to see what was happening after I realized the underlying patterns were on autopilot. Things changed when I did.

I started doing things that made me feel good. I was able to focus more because I cut out the negative chatter. I was able to understand my business better.

There is a 5% strategy. It's possible to have the best strategies in the world, but if you don't align with them, they won't work.

So, while I agree with The Secret's "Ask, Believe, Receive," there is more below the surface of those words. You have to dig, get uncomfortable and do things you have never done before to remove the patterns, thoughts and emotions that have been hidden away so that you can genuinely believe that you will receive what you ask (and work) for.
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