The nano-magnets that will restore damaged nerve cells
Modular magnetic devices for applying local magnetic fields. Applying magnetic fields using A) 4 mm diameter pinhole parallelly-aligned and beehive-like magnetic devices. B) 1.5 cm diameter ring magnet. i) Illustrations of magnetic devices. In blue: pores are arranged in a beehive-like pattern, in red: pores are arranged in parallel lines. ii) Life-size images of magnetic rod/ring. iii) Simulations of magnetic flux density in COMSOL software. The images present a top view of magnetic flux density generated by a magnetic rod/ring in tesla (T). Intensity is color-coded (low intensity in dark blue, high intensity in red). iv) COMSOL simulations of magnetic field, magnetic flux density, and magnetic force 1 mm above the magnetic rod/ring. The magnetic field is indicated as solid lines. The intensity of the magnetic flux density in tesla (T) is color-coded (low intensity in dark blue, high intensity in red) and the direction of the force is indicated by red arrows. Credit: Advanced Functional Materials (2022). DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202204925

The brain and nervous system are made up of the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system, the cells that receive sensory input from the outside world and send motor commands to our muscles. The cell body, the dendrites and the axon make up the nerve cells.

When neurons are damaged, they can't heal on their own. Neural networks are a significant challenge in tissue engineering.

One of the most innovative approaches to creating neural networks is being developed by Prof. Orit Shefi and Reut Plen from Bar-Ilan University. Their work was published in a journal.

The researchers injected iron oxide into neural progenitor cells to turn them into magnetic units.

Next, they exposed the progenitor cells to a number of pre-adjusted magnetic fields and then remotely directed their movement within a three-dimensional and multi-layer Collagen Substrate that mimicked the natural characteristics of body tissue. They created three-dimensional "mini-brains" by manipulating the magnetic field.

The cells remained in place after the gel solidified. After a few days, the cells developed into mature neurons, formed extensions and connections, and thrived in the gel for at least 21 days.

The method paves the way for the creation of 3D cell architecture on a customized scale for use in bioengineering, therapeutic and research applications.

Since the 3D neural networks we created mimic innate properties of human brain tissues, they can be used as experimental'mini-brains' and serve as a model for the study of Medicinal drugs, for investigating communication between tissues, and as a way to build artificial networks for interface between

The model suggests an interesting prospect for injecting such a gel, which contains cells, in its liquid state, introducing it into the nervous system and organizing the cells into the correct structure with the help of magnetic forces. The advantage of using magnetic fields is that they can affect cells deep inside the body.

Magnetic particles can be inserted into cells and nerve cells, raising questions about their safety. Prof. Orit Shefi says that the issue of safety is important.

We tested the effect of particles on cell health. The magnetic particles were coated with a biocompatibleProtein A buffer between the magnetic element and the cell is created by the coating. Iron is found in the body so it is not a foreign substance. The magnetic particles in the same gel have been found to be safe in animal models.

Magnetic nanoparticles have been approved by the FDA for use in cases of severe injury. The Bar-Ilan research group has taken steps to advance the technology. They say this is only the beginning. Our method of creating mini-brains opens the door to finding solutions for various neurological impairments which will hopefully improve the quality of life for many patients.

There is more information about Reut Plen et al. There is a book called 10.1002/adfm.

Journal information: Advanced Functional Materials