Sen. Wendy Rogers is raising cash to redo Maricopa County's election, as if she had that power.
Sen. Wendy Rogers is raising cash to redo Maricopa County's election, as if she had that power.

There is a new opportunity for the election denial industry as a result of the vote to certify the election.

Wendy Rogers is our own state senator.

Rogers had her hand out when the Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to certify the vote on Monday.

Rogers wrote in her appeal that she would hold the county accountable for its election shenanigans. I need your help in getting a new election.

She means to give her money.

Rogers' ideas never passed, even under GOP control

One of the architects of the Senate's Cyber Ninjas audit was awarded a job by the incoming Senate President.

Rogers is uniquely qualified to chair a committee that has a small chance of getting any of her ideas passed into law because she is the craziest legislator in Arizona.

She has called for decertifying the 2020 election, an end to the state's wildly popular early voting program, the arrest of elections officials for fraud and an entire laundry list of loopy ideas.

The election was certified by the county after a rowdy crowd objected.

When Republicans were in control of the state, her proposals went nowhere.

As Democrats prepare to take over as governor and attorney general, Rogers is promising to engineer a do-over of the county's election.

If you give her $35 or $60, she'll get $5,300 for her campaign.

She wrote thatMaricopa County is out of control and hates its own voters. The Senate Elections Committee is chaired by me. I can't let this stand.

No, we're not going to see 'perp walks'

Some of the usual conspiracy theorists from Trump central and Turning Point USA don't seem to back up their claims with evidence.

Rogers doesn't need to prove that the election was corrupt to get her money.

People should be sent to jail so that she can pay them.

It looks like a systematic attempt to deny thousands of voters their right to cast a ballot. Her Monday pitch was for money. Ballot harvesting, which is now illegal in Arizona, was also going on, and needs to be prosecuted.

Perp walks are something I would like to do.

Rogers has called for perp walks for the past two years. She wants to build a public gallows to kill her enemies.

She thinks she will be the first to swing.

She wrote in Monday's pitch for cash that there was a conspiracy by the county officials. We have the evidence. She wrote that we need to redo the elections.

The Chairman of the Elections Committee will not allow this to happen again.

An election re-do is perfect foil for grift

It's not clear how Rogers plans to undermine democracy.

She will have the power to decide what bills to hear in the new year.

If any of Rogers' proposals make it to her desk, she will have the power to veto them.

Here is Rogers to her easy marks.

I need your help to fix Maricopa's flawed elections. I will push until it's done.

Rogers said this is crazy. We are going to make this better.

If you didn't catch her drift, here is Rogers.

P.S. Arizona is interested in how much I can raise and how many people will support me. I want to show them how serious we are about election integrity.

Allow the grifting to start.

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Wendy Rogers wants your money to redo the election.