The US court temporarily banned imports of New Zealand fish caught in the Mui dolphin habitat because the South Pacific nation's protections are not comparable to those in the US.

A preliminary injunction was issued by the US Court of International Trade to stop the import of fish from New Zealand.

Sea Shepherd New Zealand brought the case in 2020 to argue that the US should prohibit imports from New Zealand that don't meet US standards.

The Mui dolphin is the smallest dolphin in the world and native to New Zealand. There are between 48 and 64 dolphins left.

Michael Lawry, managing director of Sea Shepherd New Zealand, said in a statement Tuesday that set-net and trawl fisheries that overlap with Mui dolphin habitat result in injury and death to dolphins in excess of US standards. The Court of International Trade agreed with us that an import ban was necessary in order to save the Mui dolphins.

There will be another hearing next month, according to New Zealand's Ministry of Primary industries. The New Zealand government will give information and support to the US government in certain circumstances.

James Brown said that New Zealand has put in place comprehensive measures to protect Mui dolphins which have been based on the best available scientific information. We will work with the exporters to find and divert the affected product.

The temporary halt will affect a small portion of the overall trade with the US, amounting to less than a million dollars a year.